Marketing Mix: The 4 P’s of Marketing

The 4 P’s of Marketing, also known as the Marketing Mix, help you better understand your products, pricing, place, and promotions. When you are able to keep these in mind, you can go through your day with a marketing mentality. That is, to be constantly thinking about ways to better promote your business and generate views.

In this video, we covered some of the initial steps in getting your marketing off the ground using the Marketing Mix, including Instagram Reels. This example should allow you to see how minimal of a role a single content channel plays in your overall scope of marketing. Do not get sold on JUST coaching and buzzwords, or hitch your entire marketing program to a fad or trend. Keep your overview and strategy broad while utilizing some of these components for boosts.

While each of the 4Ps is important, promotions are often what really drive sales. If you need help creating a multi-channel promotion strategy or understanding how to apply the marketing mix to your business, give us a call. We would be happy to advise you on the best way to increase sales through effective digital marketing tactics.

Looking for more educational information? View our posts page here.

Looking for more information on the 4 P’s of Marketing? Check out this Investopedia article.

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